
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Burp Cloths

Don't you think Raggedy Ann and Andy make just about the cutest kids fabric??  I do, and I have for years.  Before I was even married, I bought a ton of this flannel and a little terry cloth that matched, thinking I could use it when I had kids.  I did use it a few years later when my husband and I our first baby.  He made the crib and changing table, and I made the blanket, bumpers, and the baby.  I still have a ton left, and it's just been sitting there for years.  So, I busted it out a few weeks ago, and made some burp cloths. Here's how I made them:

First cut out the flannel and terry cloth to the size you want it.  I only had a little bit of terry cloth and I wanted to make a few, so I made mine 14x9 inches.  With how much my boys spit up and my little girl drooled, I would definitely make them bigger if I had more fabric.

I wanted to try the rounded edge look, so I used a cd, and cut the edges with a rotary cutter.  After it's cut, place the fabric wrong sides together and pin into place.  I am not a fan of pinning. In fact, I think it's the worst part of sewing, so I can tell you how important it is because of all the unpicking I have done.

Now, sew the two pieces together at about 5/8 inch, leaving a gap at one end to turn it right side out.

Then, cut little triangles in to the rounded edge to reduce the bulk.

Turn right side out and take the something like the blunt end of your scissors, or maybe a popsicle stick along the edges to push them out where they need to be.  Top stitch, once right around the edge, and once 1/4 inch in from the edge.  Be careful to close the opening you left while you were sewing them together.

And, it's finished! 

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